Read what our customers have to say

Carol Komatsuka
Vice President, Development, Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPCC
Pam and I first worked together when I was appointed Vice President of Development at Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPCC in Pasadena CA. One of the first things I did when I assumed that position was to ask Pam to facilitate a retreat to ensure camaraderie and build stronger communication across the team. She developed a full day session that included StrengthsFinders and DISC assessments and led team-building exercises that were illuminating, thought-provoking and fun. It was a wonderful kick-off to a new chapter for our team. Equally important is Pam's ability to coach and mentor on an individual basis. She was an important resource for me as well as my senior manager team. She provided guidance on how to coach and lead, and provided what I found was an impartial outside perspective. She is direct, empathetic and thoughtfully results-oriented. I recommend her without reservation.